It Happened One Day

Spend a day with my shoes…. Oops in my shoes!

12 hours and counting!

Finally, i am going to do it!! I am going to bite the bullet and take the photos that i dont really want to take…

I am pretty sure i am skipping a step in the 12WBT but i need to do this now. I know it seems strange that i would want to put these photos out there now when i dont have to, but i just want to get it over and done with. Plus i think it will be an extra motivator!

Still i am petrified!! I keep thinking about people seeing me like this! now i realise that its silly to think that because people see me like this every day cause frankly, im not a hermit! lol

but still in my head, taking photos is somehow more than people just seeing me walk down the street, Its more confronting and more proof i think lol

but, i am going to do it! get it done and continue on the right path.

To help me in the journey, i have been reading other peoples weightloss blogs. Some of which i really enjoy. Others, not so much. A few that i have read are like “quick fix” blogs. like here drink this and 10 days later you will have a flatter stomach! Honestly, there is no quick fix. Its going to be hard work but i am prepared to it.

So now i am counting down to the ultimate D-Day! Tomorrow is photo day!

Off to charge the camera batteries!


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It tastes to good to be healthy!

So after my very scrumptious dinner last night, i may have had a slightly naughty breakfast…

Dont worry fellow 12WBTers it wasn’t coco pops! lol
I went to breakfast and had poached eggs, avacado, ham on turkish bread. Where is the naughty i hear you ask? well…… I may have had some hollandaise sauce 😦 Oh No lol

So needless to day, i felt super guilty. Then i worked a long long day. Got home at 7pm and decided to go for a run. Which lets be honest, it was a fast paced walk lol.

After my walk, i decided to cook myself some dinner. On tonights menu, Steamed chicken, wholemeal pasta with Spinach and Parmesan to top it off.


1 palm size chicken breast
15 leaves of spinach
1/2 cup of wholemeal pasta
half a can of diced tomatoes

First i boiled the pasta until cooked, then drain the excess water from the pasta.
Add in the diced tomatoes and simmer

Steam the chicken breast until cooked right through then cut into bite sized peices

finely chop spinach and then sprinkle the Parmesan cheese into the bowl of spinach. Mix together

Then viola! yummy in my tummy lol

and here is the finished product


Again, i used a small dish. This time a plate no bigger then a sandwich. so although my plate looks choc full, its a small small plate. Scouts Honor!

and in all seriousness, its pretty awesome! Tastes like a party! and honestly, wholemeal pasta is really not different to the regular stuff. So even if you arent trying to lose weight, you should make the switch!

On to live another healthy day!


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A whole new world, healthy eating for one

So as promised, here is my very first healthy dinner recipe for my new life 🙂

Tonight after my massive clean out of my fatgirl pantry i have cooked something pretty damn tasty. And here i was thinking that there was no way i was going to enjoy clean eating!!

So here it is Scrambled Eggs ala Danica


4 egg whites
1 egg yolk
50 ml low fat milk
50ml water
1 cup spinach – i used fresh baby spinach but you could use frozen
1/2 cup peas
1/2 cup corn
sprinkle of lite cut ham

i know you are thinking that there seems alot for one person, well i made extra to take to work tomorrow

So first i put the corn and peas together in a microwave safe bowl, fill with water until its half way up the peas and corn. you dont need a lot because when you boil vege’s they lose flavour and nutrients 🙂 (see im learning already lol) Microwave on high for 3 minutes. You only want them to be half cooked.

While they are cooking, combine your egg whites and 1 yolk to a bowl with a very small pinch of salt, whisk with a fork until yolk it all mixed in. Add water and milk and whisk with fork again.

Once thats done add your spinach, corn, peas and ham. Mix all ingredients together and pop in the frying pan. Cook your scrambled eggs like normal and viola! Eggs ala Danica

I also added a small pinch of parmesan cheese on top, but after eating it i could have done without it, now i know for next time

So i know some people will be wondering a few things

Why so little egg yolks?
Why put water in it?

Weel, i only use one egg yolk because its the egg whites that are better for you and i use half water half skim milk because it cuts out alot of the fat that can be in scrambled eggs.

Also, little tip…. If you microwave your egg mixture instead of using the frying pan its less mess and you dont need to use oil or butter to cook it.

here is a pic of Eggs Ala Danica 🙂


it may not look like much but it was sure damn tasty, i also use a smaller size bowl so there is less to fill. It also tricks my brain into thinking i am eating more than i am because smaller portion sizes is key

I have finished my dinner, its half the portion size to what i would usually have and i feel full but i dont feel heavy… i know you know what i mean by feeling heavy.

You know when you eat so much that you need to lie down for like an hour because you hurt so much? well ive avoided that feeling all from healthy eating!!! whhhaaaat? i know right!

it also doesnt hurt to drinks lots of water too, ive had 4 ltrs of water today and i feel great!

off to plan some more healthy eating fun


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New foods, new life…

So as promised, not only to all of you out in the blogosphere but also to myself i have had a kitchen overhaul.

Part of our pre season tasks in the 12WBT we have to completely overhaul our kitchens, throwing out everything and anything that we are not allowed to eat. You can read more about the task and the 12WBT in some of my previous posts.

So today i was on a mission, first i threw out everything that was holding me back, see below my before picture


So right off the bat i know you can see that chocolate and that suspicious looking white bag, its full of all sorts of nasty things. I tell people that i dont eat a lot of chocolate and chips etc… most of the time its true. I dont have them in my house a lot. But i will say that more recently, in the last 4-8 weeks to be particular i have found myself eating more and more of it. I am not really sure why, but i have.

So that little white bag to me, represents all the crap i have been putting into my body. I can assure you, it was the first to go!!

So here is the after pic


I didnt take a picture of the bottom 2 shelves because its all dog food and utensils. So very boring…But i promise, know nasties are hiding on the bottom 2 shelves 🙂

So right now as i am blogging and checking out the 700 social media outlets that i am on i am drinking home made, yes i said home made Orange, Apple & mango juice. You can find the recipe here i am only fairly new to juicing, so i am not up to the fancy stuff yet lol

So after my epic clean out i went grocery shopping, now i only bought enough to cover me for a couple of days, not a week because i like super fresh fruit and vege. I get funny about it if its been sitting in my fridge for a week.

But on tonights dinner menu, i am cooking scrambled eggs with spinach, lite cut ham, peas, onion & corn. Sounds odd but i am pretty sure its going to be amazing… If you are lucky i will post some pics later 🙂

Thinking clean to make me lean


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The 12 week itch…

12 weeks seems like a very long time when you are talking about anything except weight loss. Its almost like there is something in your head the tells you “12 weeks to lose all that weight, honey your dreaming!” Or at least thats what i hear in my head.

But when you really break it down, its not all that hard.

Part of the 12WBT is to complete these “pre-season tasks” each week. One of the first ones was to write down what you goals are for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months & 12 months. At first i was a little like “Why am i writing all this down? Surely in a weight loss program it would be more beneficial to start with light exercise than to write down my goals, isnt it obvious? i want to lose weight!”

It wasnt until after i completed the task that i realised why you must do these pre season tasks.

Its because they help prepare you mentally as well as preparing the physical. So here i was completing this seemingly frivolous task when it hit me.

12 weeks is a long time, because its long enough that i can reach my goals!

I want to lose 1.5kg per week, thats 6kgs per month and 18kgs by the end of the 12 weeks. That puts me right in line to reach my 6 month and 12 month goals.

When you say it like this…. I need to lose 1.5kg this week, it sounds so harmless and thats the beauty of this task. It makes you break it down so much that you stop thinking of it like “I need to lose 40kgs, you are biting off smaller chucks so to speak. (food analogies in a blog about weightloss, i know! LOL )

Soon i will post my full list of goals and how i am going to achieve them (also a part of the task)
So maybe you can all give me a kick up the bum if i need it along the way 🙂

taking it one task at a time


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Annihilation of the fridge, obliteration of the pantry…

So today started out like any other monday, i wake up, i make a coffee, i have a shower and then prepare my notes for the monday morning movie review i do on the radio…

As i am reading my notes and preparing myself (for some reason i still get nervous lol) the little kick ass fairy delivers an email to my inbox…

The little kick ass fairy delivered another task for this week, now let me be clear there is no “Your mission, should you choose to accept it” deal like Mission Impossible (BTW Great movies)

You sign up for the 12WBT and you are in it, its all or nothing.

So i get this email from the little kick ass fairy. Her name is Mish and she tells me i need to get a bin, place it in the middle of my kitchen and start throwing stuff out.

she gives us a list of everything to throw out, most of it very understandable and common sense sort of stuff. Most of which i dont have in my kitchen anyway. then there are the other things, like different types of juices, cereals even the types of beans and stuff you can have.

So my this is what i am gong to do tomorrow. Its my day off so ive got the time to really go through everything and throw out the things that i dont need anymore because like i said in my last few posts. I am making the commitment to changing my life style for good!

Its not to say that once a reach my goal weight that i wont have the occasional ‘naughty’ foods 🙂 but until then i am making a promise to myself to do everything in my power to reach my goals!

So tomorrow I am going to go all ‘Chuck Norris’ on my kitchen! i will be sure to post before and after pics lol. I am interested and scared to see how much stuff i actually throw away!

Still fighting the fight

xx D

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Photos & Scales & Diets OH MY

So in the coming days part of my journey will include taking some photos of my current self, buying scales to track the progress and sticking to a 1200 calorie diet & exercise plan. Scary Stuff!!

I think i am most afraid of taking photos as i am the type of person that prefers to be behind the camera, i use to use the excuse that its because i like to take photos…. While partly true, i do love to get creative when taking photos but its also a big fat excuse to not have any evidence of this body that i am currently in.

To take photos of myself is going to be hard, but to post them is going to be downright heart breaking… I can tell you now, there will be tears lol

Just posting my previous blog and admitting my excuses was hard enough. Photographic evidence…. yuk!

I’m not so scared of the scales, but to prove that i am weighing myself and losing the weight, i am going to post photos of the scales too. Taking every chance to keep myself honest.

In the next few days, i am going to share more about the tasks we have to do as part of the 12WBT – i am going to post my goals, my full list of excuses and solutions and i am also going to make it my mission to post about the meals i am eating and the exercise too!

Still freaking out about the photos but hey, its got to be done! its time to get real!

xx D


Life Change, Thought Change…. Hopefully something changes

So, for those who may have spent time reading my ramblings before you may notice that all my previous posts have been removed.

Not for any reason other than what i am about to share.

I recently joined the michelle bridges 12 week body transformation (MB 12WBT) and there are many reasons why.

for awhile now i have felt as though my body was not my own, that i was stuck in someone else’s body and it was torture. Only recently have i been able to see through the cloud of denial and finally be honest with myself.

6 days ago i completed one of the pre-season tasks for the MB 12WBT which was all about writing down the excuses you use every day to get out of exercising/ eating right and it was very confronting and a very eye opening experience.

I honestly never thought i was in denial, i honestly felt these things i was thinking and it took a video blog and a pre season task that so many other men and woman are doing to snap me out of this downward spiral.

my list of excuses was not a long one, but they basically covered everything and would not allow me to go and do the things i need to in order to get back to the body i know i should be and that i want to be.

i used excuses like

– I am too big
– It hurts to exercise
– I am always so tired
– I work too much so i have no time

4 excuses that have basically been ruining my quality of life!

Dont get me wrong, there are so many things about my life that i love

– my job
– my family
– my friends
– my job, my job , my job! lol

I really do love my job and all the experiences it gives me, but still my quality of life could be so much better.

I am at the point now, where i feel uncomfortable going out, i always think that when i am at a restaurant or super market that people are judging me for whats on my plate or in the shopping trolley.

I am always looking over my shoulder thinking that everyone is judging me and any time i hear someone laughing, i think they are laughing at me.

Thats really no way to live! It is a horrible thing to feel this way, but i honestly never knew/ realised i was doing these things until i was forced to write down my excuses.

one small little task has opened my eyes to what i am doing to myself. Its not healthy.

So this post marks the beginning of my new life! Its time for me to take charge, i am 27 years old and unfortunately not getting any younger so its time to change my life permanently.

I cant go back to my 24 year old body but i can be the me i want to be and that i know i am.

So here it goes! Wish me Luck!! 🙂

xx D