It Happened One Day

Spend a day with my shoes…. Oops in my shoes!

Where did the time go?!?

on January 11, 2013

Ohhh dear, let me start by saying that I have been incredibly busy. But still its not excuse for my almost 2 month absence from blogging!!!! I cannot believe how quickly time has gotten away from me… And unfortunately so has the weightloss….

Luckily, I haven’t put on any kgs, i think I have slightly yo yo’ed a little going up then down and up then back down again a few kgs. Especially over the xmas/ new year weeks…. Lol

But I am back and with vengeance!!!

Good news is that I finally have a fully functioning kitchen!!!! Yay! *claps hands excitedly*

In other good news, some of the very few readers i actually have, have been so kind as to keep reminding me that I made a commitment to myself and to the blogosphere that i would keep on track… So to those wonderful people (you know who you are) thank you!!

Ok so speed round of updates

I am 109kgs – no more than my last blog but i don’t think I actually told you all how much I weigh so there you go! There it is…. It’s out there now! Haha

I am still yet to post my “before” pics. But I promise you, I will…. And I won’t be pulling a disappearing act again. Scouts Honour.

I am still working like crazy and have been sticking to my healthy eating, with a few more “naughty” days than I would care to admit.

So its the new year and we are well overdue for a new Danica, well not new….. Just me with a bit of “body work” done. Haha

Well I’m off to clean my kitchen, yes it’s still so new that i still love to clean it. That will pass though…. I know it

See you here same time same place, tomorrow!

D xx


One response to “Where did the time go?!?

  1. chris lazarevich says:

    Hey Danica, good to hear that your back on track. So there was no added weight over xmas hey thats already an achievement in its own. Everybody has slip ups while achieving a goal. Stick with it mate proud of u.

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