It Happened One Day

Spend a day with my shoes…. Oops in my shoes!

1 Week down, an eternity to go

At the very beginning of this journey, a whole 7 days ago, i began pondering just how long it would take me to give in to my cravings… To pick up that chocolate or to buy that something sweet that i know i want…

Its 7 days on and i am proud to say that it has not happened yet!! Its pretty incredible what willpower can do.

Now i know you are probably saying “come on Danica, its just a week! What do you want? A medal? A parade and a marching band?” Well no, its not worthy of a parade or a band playing ‘Celebration’, but you have to celebrate the little things. There is no point taking this journey if you are not going to pat yourself on the back for even the smallest achievements.

Making it a whole week with only the tiniest of slip ups, remember my hollandaise sauce a bfast one day. If not you can read about it here

So yes, i am pretty proud of myself. Before i made this commitment to myself to change my life for good i would not have made it 2 days without reverting back to my old habits.

I would say one of the best things i could have done was cleaning out the pantry of what i call my ‘FatGirl’ foods. So even when i am sitting here watching tv and i get a craving, there is nothing in my house to knock me back to square one.

I feel like my weight loss journey is a giant game of snakes and ladders, one wrong step and i start back at square one. But take a chance and roll the dice with all my power and i will win this fight.

The Fight Against the FatGirl!! lol



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Chicken-ed out

Yes, by now you would have noticed that i didnt post my pics yesterday. I may have chickened out… But i really really wanted to!! I just couldnt do it!

But on the bright side, i did take my dog for a walk along the beach yesterday. Dont know quite how long for, but i know it was over an hour!! Massive achievement for me, considering i usually lose interest after about 30mins

Today however it was back to work and i put my will power to the test when we went out for a mid morning meeting and decided to have lunch.

So i order this club sandwich, knowing fair well that it would probably come with chips. BUT you will be very happy to know that i did not eat any of them!! I did pick one up, just out of habit… took one bite and alarm bells went off in my head saying ” NOOOOOOOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!”
So i put it down and didnt take another bite!! I also stopped eating when i was no longer hungry! Not when i was full, when i no longer felt that hunger feeling!!!

HOLY CRAP!!! Never ever thought i would make that progress! Every time i have tried this in the past few months it hasn’t worked and now all of a sudden its something i am not even consciously thinking about! Ummmm pretty amazing!!

So anyway, my day continued on like normal and now i am sitting at home watching some How i met your mother and eating my dinner for this evening

Garlic roasted chicken with asparagus yum yummy!!

Here is a pic


once again using a smaller bowl so that i trick my brain into thinking that i am eating more 🙂

This dinner was kind of just a throw together meal, so i don’t have a recipe but i basically pre heated the oven to 200 put my chicken in a roasting pan after i put a bit of oil on some paper towel and greased the bottom of then pan.

Reducing fat by not using too much oil 🙂
So after putting the chicken in i covered the top of each piece in garlic granules and roasted on 200 for 45 mins. After 45 mins i then cut my fresh asparagus into halves and put those in the pan to and cooked for another 15 mins

and thats it. Pretty simple, minimal preparation time… Just the way i like it lol

So i have decided that i am going to try to put my pictures and measurements up on sunday… i said try, so hopefully i will 🙂

Off to find some healthy recipes!


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It tastes to good to be healthy!

So after my very scrumptious dinner last night, i may have had a slightly naughty breakfast…

Dont worry fellow 12WBTers it wasn’t coco pops! lol
I went to breakfast and had poached eggs, avacado, ham on turkish bread. Where is the naughty i hear you ask? well…… I may have had some hollandaise sauce 😦 Oh No lol

So needless to day, i felt super guilty. Then i worked a long long day. Got home at 7pm and decided to go for a run. Which lets be honest, it was a fast paced walk lol.

After my walk, i decided to cook myself some dinner. On tonights menu, Steamed chicken, wholemeal pasta with Spinach and Parmesan to top it off.


1 palm size chicken breast
15 leaves of spinach
1/2 cup of wholemeal pasta
half a can of diced tomatoes

First i boiled the pasta until cooked, then drain the excess water from the pasta.
Add in the diced tomatoes and simmer

Steam the chicken breast until cooked right through then cut into bite sized peices

finely chop spinach and then sprinkle the Parmesan cheese into the bowl of spinach. Mix together

Then viola! yummy in my tummy lol

and here is the finished product


Again, i used a small dish. This time a plate no bigger then a sandwich. so although my plate looks choc full, its a small small plate. Scouts Honor!

and in all seriousness, its pretty awesome! Tastes like a party! and honestly, wholemeal pasta is really not different to the regular stuff. So even if you arent trying to lose weight, you should make the switch!

On to live another healthy day!


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A whole new world, healthy eating for one

So as promised, here is my very first healthy dinner recipe for my new life 🙂

Tonight after my massive clean out of my fatgirl pantry i have cooked something pretty damn tasty. And here i was thinking that there was no way i was going to enjoy clean eating!!

So here it is Scrambled Eggs ala Danica


4 egg whites
1 egg yolk
50 ml low fat milk
50ml water
1 cup spinach – i used fresh baby spinach but you could use frozen
1/2 cup peas
1/2 cup corn
sprinkle of lite cut ham

i know you are thinking that there seems alot for one person, well i made extra to take to work tomorrow

So first i put the corn and peas together in a microwave safe bowl, fill with water until its half way up the peas and corn. you dont need a lot because when you boil vege’s they lose flavour and nutrients 🙂 (see im learning already lol) Microwave on high for 3 minutes. You only want them to be half cooked.

While they are cooking, combine your egg whites and 1 yolk to a bowl with a very small pinch of salt, whisk with a fork until yolk it all mixed in. Add water and milk and whisk with fork again.

Once thats done add your spinach, corn, peas and ham. Mix all ingredients together and pop in the frying pan. Cook your scrambled eggs like normal and viola! Eggs ala Danica

I also added a small pinch of parmesan cheese on top, but after eating it i could have done without it, now i know for next time

So i know some people will be wondering a few things

Why so little egg yolks?
Why put water in it?

Weel, i only use one egg yolk because its the egg whites that are better for you and i use half water half skim milk because it cuts out alot of the fat that can be in scrambled eggs.

Also, little tip…. If you microwave your egg mixture instead of using the frying pan its less mess and you dont need to use oil or butter to cook it.

here is a pic of Eggs Ala Danica 🙂


it may not look like much but it was sure damn tasty, i also use a smaller size bowl so there is less to fill. It also tricks my brain into thinking i am eating more than i am because smaller portion sizes is key

I have finished my dinner, its half the portion size to what i would usually have and i feel full but i dont feel heavy… i know you know what i mean by feeling heavy.

You know when you eat so much that you need to lie down for like an hour because you hurt so much? well ive avoided that feeling all from healthy eating!!! whhhaaaat? i know right!

it also doesnt hurt to drinks lots of water too, ive had 4 ltrs of water today and i feel great!

off to plan some more healthy eating fun


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New foods, new life…

So as promised, not only to all of you out in the blogosphere but also to myself i have had a kitchen overhaul.

Part of our pre season tasks in the 12WBT we have to completely overhaul our kitchens, throwing out everything and anything that we are not allowed to eat. You can read more about the task and the 12WBT in some of my previous posts.

So today i was on a mission, first i threw out everything that was holding me back, see below my before picture


So right off the bat i know you can see that chocolate and that suspicious looking white bag, its full of all sorts of nasty things. I tell people that i dont eat a lot of chocolate and chips etc… most of the time its true. I dont have them in my house a lot. But i will say that more recently, in the last 4-8 weeks to be particular i have found myself eating more and more of it. I am not really sure why, but i have.

So that little white bag to me, represents all the crap i have been putting into my body. I can assure you, it was the first to go!!

So here is the after pic


I didnt take a picture of the bottom 2 shelves because its all dog food and utensils. So very boring…But i promise, know nasties are hiding on the bottom 2 shelves 🙂

So right now as i am blogging and checking out the 700 social media outlets that i am on i am drinking home made, yes i said home made Orange, Apple & mango juice. You can find the recipe here i am only fairly new to juicing, so i am not up to the fancy stuff yet lol

So after my epic clean out i went grocery shopping, now i only bought enough to cover me for a couple of days, not a week because i like super fresh fruit and vege. I get funny about it if its been sitting in my fridge for a week.

But on tonights dinner menu, i am cooking scrambled eggs with spinach, lite cut ham, peas, onion & corn. Sounds odd but i am pretty sure its going to be amazing… If you are lucky i will post some pics later 🙂

Thinking clean to make me lean


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Annihilation of the fridge, obliteration of the pantry…

So today started out like any other monday, i wake up, i make a coffee, i have a shower and then prepare my notes for the monday morning movie review i do on the radio…

As i am reading my notes and preparing myself (for some reason i still get nervous lol) the little kick ass fairy delivers an email to my inbox…

The little kick ass fairy delivered another task for this week, now let me be clear there is no “Your mission, should you choose to accept it” deal like Mission Impossible (BTW Great movies)

You sign up for the 12WBT and you are in it, its all or nothing.

So i get this email from the little kick ass fairy. Her name is Mish and she tells me i need to get a bin, place it in the middle of my kitchen and start throwing stuff out.

she gives us a list of everything to throw out, most of it very understandable and common sense sort of stuff. Most of which i dont have in my kitchen anyway. then there are the other things, like different types of juices, cereals even the types of beans and stuff you can have.

So my this is what i am gong to do tomorrow. Its my day off so ive got the time to really go through everything and throw out the things that i dont need anymore because like i said in my last few posts. I am making the commitment to changing my life style for good!

Its not to say that once a reach my goal weight that i wont have the occasional ‘naughty’ foods 🙂 but until then i am making a promise to myself to do everything in my power to reach my goals!

So tomorrow I am going to go all ‘Chuck Norris’ on my kitchen! i will be sure to post before and after pics lol. I am interested and scared to see how much stuff i actually throw away!

Still fighting the fight

xx D

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